Modern Quilt 02 - Gallery feature in Curated Quilts: Stripes Issue

Modern Quilt 02 - Gallery feature in Curated Quilts: Stripes Issue

Curated Quilts: Stripes Issue is available here!

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Modern quilt 02 is a gallery feature in the Curated Quilts: Stripes issue.  To say l am excited and over the moon about it is an understatement, it is such an honour! 

Please Note: There is no pattern for this quilt. There will be one, just not sure when yet. Modern quilt 02 is one of my very first venture into really having a go at designing my own quilt patterns.  I had no idea what l was doing then, haha, but this quilt and the three others that were part of the collection hold a special place in my heart.   My love for solids, big blocks and sense of colour blossomed with these quilts.  l even felt the need to quilt it a different way; one inch straight lines in different directions.

What inspired me to make this quilt you ask.  Well all l knew was l wanted to make a collection of quilts that look similar but different.  I knew l wanted to use plain colours and have white as the background to make my colours pop.  With this in mind, l went to task and designed this quilt as part of a four quilt collection.  I did not know and still do not know what to name the quilts hence the very original name Modern Quilt

The quilt is made up of split quarter square triangles, striped blocks pieced together with one inch strips and hour glass blocks.  All of these were a first for me so it took a lot of trial, error and lots of the world wide web searches in how to cut and piece these blocks to get to the final product.  Working out the stripy blocks, how to cut and incorporate them into a block was especially fun.  It was a challenge but a very proud and satisfactory moment when it was completed.  For this quilt to be a gallery feature in Curated Quilts: Stripes issue, makes it the perfect icing to the cake and a proud moment indeed!

Thanks for stopping by this Avenue blog today! 






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Hallo, I also like this “modern quilt 02” . Could I buy the pattern from you?
best wishes!


Hey! I really like this quilt! The modern quilt 02. Do you happen to have a pattern for it just yet?


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