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When Kristy Lea of Quiet Play Designs asked if l could make a project for her new fabric collection Imagine for Riley Blakes Designs, l was ecstatic. l immediately knew which design was coming to life with this rainbow collection. I mean, who could pass on these gorgeous fabrics bursting with colour. Introducing the Flourishing quilt (there is no pattern for this one yet, but it's in the works).

This is the full collection of Imagine fabrics by Kristy Lea of Quiet Play for Riley Blakes Designs
If l could use all the colours in this project, l would have but this was my fabric pull from the lot. You may be able to find this fabric collection at your local quilt shops or you can get them here.

I knew l wanted to make something fun, quick, easy and packs a punch, much like the Imagine fabrics themselves. I wanted my design to be playful, which is what the fabric was calling out to me, so l went working.

The Flourishing quilt is a quick easy make and l couldn't believe it when l was done with the quilt top. It was a really enjoyable make and l couldn't be anymore pleased with how it came out. I realised l did not have any in progress shots of the quilt as this is one of those blink and it was done kinda quilt. Every time l look at this quilt, l am reminded of how far l/we've come amidst the many ups and downs life throws at us and here we are, standing proud and tall and still flourishing.

The Imagine fabrics are so beautiful to look at, feel and sew with. They absolutely stunning! My little one claimed this quilt as hers from the moment l made the first cut into the fabrics and she loves it. l've added some close up photos of the quilt below for you to enjoy. Tell me what you'll make with the collection in the comments below.

There were ten other designers who took part in the Imagine Fabrics Tour and boy did their Quilty makes blow my mind. Be sure to check them out, tagged below;
1st Aug - Kelli - Simply Mackbeth
2nd Aug - Kristina - Center Street Quilts
3rd Aug - Shereece - Sew Hooked on Treasures
4th Aug - Laura - Slice of Pi Quilts
5th Aug - Augusto - Capa Quilts
6th Aug - Jo - The Crafty Nomad
7th Aug - Tiffany - Village Bound Quilts
8th Aug - Lynne - Lilys Quilts
9th Aug - Sheri - Whole Circle Studio
10th Aug - Satomi - Satomi Quilts
11th Aug - Lynett - LynsAvenue (that's me)
and to see more projects made using this line, you can do that here #imagine fabric.